
Flair & Flamboyance would I describe myself? Well, I'm in Slytherin (debateable), I'm a big TCG fan and collector of random shit. Before I ran this, I ran sites on Piczo...I really miss that site! I had a Pokémon "game" using it where you clicked them; now it's lost forever! Oh, well. Maybe one day I'll make another.

In my spare time, I create things. Creating sites is fun! I decided to run a couple of sites (not enitrely complete, but still) and this is one of them.

Why Lee?

I've been a fan of Tekken since I was a kid. My friends each had their mains, and mine was Lee. Not sure what made me choose him originally, but I stuck with him ever since. I actually played T3 before any other game and it was on a demo disc. So...I actually played Eddie and Lin when I first started! When T5 came out, I bought it for PS2. It's one of my most-played games on it! It was also where I was introduced to Lee (since I had only played 3 previously)!

My main reasons for liking him are that he's the self-assured-but-insecure type that I love writing myself and he's hot. Husbando shit and all that. Him along with Leon (RE4) and Raiden (MGS2) were my favourites!